
Less air pollution is the answer to a healthy life solution this sentence should be a motive of each and every person if you study deeply in air pollution then you realize what is air pollution meteorology. This review describe as human beings, we have the opportunities before us to make a change like micro, meso and macro. Indoor air pollution results from products used in construction materials, inadequacy of general ventilation. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are part of air pollution. By retaining heat from the Sun in the Earth's atmosphere, greenhouse gases warm the temperature. Although greenhouse gases are a naturally occurring component of the Earth's atmosphere, since the beginning of the 20th Century, they have become more common, warming the planet's climate. Aerosols are little particles that are released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned. Some of these particles enter the atmosphere as air pollution from automobiles, trucks, and industrial emissions, but they most naturally enter through volcanoes, dust, or marine pollution. Climate is impacted by aerosols. Although not all aerosols have the same effects on the atmosphere, they all serve to cool it. Climate change is causing air quality to change, while air pollution is driving climate change. Increased heat waves and droughts brought on by global warming can have a negative impact on the purity of the air we breathe. Since the chemical processes that produce ozone in the atmosphere take place more often at hot temperatures, heat waves increase the amount of ground-level ozone pollution.

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