
ABSTRACTThis article describes development and validation of a web-based vocational interest tool designed to help recruits and re-trainees identify enlisted career fields that match their preferences for work contexts, activities, and functional roles in support of the Air Force mission. The tool has recently been implemented for use by members considering re-training, and is undergoing pilot testing for potential use in the recruiting process. We first describe how the AF-WIN was developed, based on adaptation of the taxonomy from a Navy vocational interest tool (Navy’s Job Opportunities in the Navy [JOIN]), followed by surveys of subject matter experts (SMEs) in 132 Air Force career fields on relevant job markers. We then describe a validation study in which job incumbents completed the AF-WIN and reported their level of job satisfaction within their current career field; results show that incumbents the AF-WIN algorithm identified as a good match for their career field reported substantially higher levels of job satisfaction than incumbents identified as a relatively poor match based on the tool. Finally, we provide results from initial beta-testing of the tool in a sample of recent enlisted trainees on perceived accuracy, utility, and functionality of the tool for use in the initial job assignment process.

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