
Air and non air quality benefits of urban trees cannot be overemphasized. Trees as important components of the ecosystem play important roles in tangible and intangible benefits that urban forests provides for the society. These benefits are based on the ability of urban trees in intercepting the flow of urban storm water, increasing property value, decreasing energy by improved cooling, mitigating air pollution by eliminating contaminants or preventing secondary pollutants, and sequestration of carbon dioxide. This study was carried out to estimate annual ecosystem system benefits of five urban trees, Sandbox (<i>Hura crespitans</i>), Eucalyptus spp (<i>Eucalyptus camadunlensis</i>), Pine (<i>Pinus caribea</i>), Mango (<i>Mangifera indica</i>) and Lipstick tree (<i>Bixa orellana</i> (in Ado Ekiti, South West, Nigeria, using the i-tree, National Tree Benefits Calculator developed by the United States department of Forestry. The benefits from the study carried out includes gaseous pollutants removal ($1.2 million), property value J ($187,055), storm-water control (33,413m<sup>3</sup>/yr) and carbon sequestration potential (546t/CO<sub>2</sub>). Mature trees had more economic and environmental benefits than young and growing tree. Mango (<i>mangifera indica</i>) had the highest benefits, this is due to its large surface area, large canopy and its size. This study recommends planting of more urban trees in Ado Ekiti. An understanding of air and non air quality ecosystem services provided by urban trees will help Government in greening of cities as trees provides support to human health, improve economic and environmental benefits and also assist in the process of landscaping which gives beauty to the environment.

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