
Since the first case of AIDS was diagnosed in 1982, there have been over 2,300 cases, as of February 1989, in Canada. The epidemiological pattern of the cases in Canada follows that of the United States with the exception of intravenous drug users. In 1983, the federal government created a National Advisory Committee which is active in advising the Minister of National Health and Welfare on issues for the control and management of AIDS in Canada. In 1985, a $39 million program was announced. An enhanced program of AIDS control was established in July of 1987 with the creation of the Federal Center for AIDS (FCA). This has involved a substantial increase in financial and personnel resources. Canada plays a significant role internationally vis-à-vis AIDS; $10 million has been provided to the World Health Organization. The FCA is a WHO Collaborating Centre. In June of 1989, Canada will host the Vth International Conference on AIDS in Montreal.

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