
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders which can be seen in children and adolescents. ADHD is a chronic condition with prominent symptoms and impairment which span into adulthood. Various tests are conducted to detect if the patient has this disorder and each test has to be evaluated manually as the scores alone are not sufficient to determine it. Our application AiDD: Assisting ADHD children and doctors focuses on helping ADHD children through an interactive and fun environment. The app would contain many games which will help the children by testing and developing skills like concentration, creativity, and patience. This app would target children of age 7-12 years. The parents/doctors will be able to monitor the child's performance through data analytics that would be performed during and after the games. Various factors like attention span and improvement in concentration would be considered to check the progress of the child through AI.

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