
The group of like-minded megadiverse countries (LMMCs), which harbours a wealth of biological and cultural diversity, adopted a Carta in 2016 to accelerate progress towards achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 11. This paper presents the progress made over the last two years and an analysis of the LMMCs’ national priority actions; approved Global Environment Facility, GEF-5 and GEF-6 protected area-related biodiversity projects; and relevant targets, goals, and actions from National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs). Through their recent actions, these countries have contributed to progress in Target 11, especially with respect to marine protected area expansion, where they contributed one-sixth of the area added in national waters over the past two years. Results indicate that if implemented as planned, actions proposed by the LMMCs will increase terrestrial and marine protected area coverage by 1,106,148 km2 and 192,214 km2 respectively. Of these commitments, 227,230 km2 in terrestrial and 144,475 km2 in marine protected areas have the highest chance of being implemented. In total, 741 commitments were identified from the above sources, with implications on the qualitative elements of Target 11 (coverage of areas important for biodiversity, areas important for ecosystem services, ecological representation, connectivity, effective management, equitable management, and integration into the wider landscapes and seascapes). Of these 741 commitments, 25% showed a strong likelihood of being implemented. The country-level analysis of all commitments indicates that equitable management and integration will show the most progress, measured against identified gaps, if commitments are implemented as proposed. This progress on the qualitative elements of Target 11 in the LMMCs will also provide benefits and co-benefits for other Aichi Targets and for the requirements of other multi-lateral environmental agreements, as well as at the global level.

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