
AbstractDuring the past decade, the trend to couple the World Wide Web (WWW) in teaching and learning has been gaining momentum rapidly. Learning availability over the Internet is expanding and gradually constitutes a usual means of education and training. In this paper, the development and implementation of an AI-based interactive teaching package for open channel flow on Internet is depicted. The latest expert system shell and web production software are used for the development of this system. It is demonstrated that various theories on open channel flow, design, and interactive ”What-if” analysis on various design parameters can be performed using this package through an active and dynamic learning environment. It is shown that, with its intrinsic advantages, the WWW has the potential for effecting fundamental changes in the design of learning processes and the education system.KeywordsExpert SystemOpen Channel FlowTeaching PackageBlackboard ArchitectureVisual RuleThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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