
To predict behavior, machines organize and analyze data. It transformed BFSI merchandise delivery. Corporate banking AI automates tasks, detects fraud, boosts investment profits, has chatbots, and predicts market trends. This research examines AI's role, functions, applications, trends, benefits, and drawbacks in finance and banking. The financial industry is transformed by AI in customer experiences, fraud detection, risk management, and task automation. Finance AI helps but falters in data quality, accountability, and compliance. Fintech solutions like digital wallets, blockchain, embedded finance, AI-driven chatbots, RPA, fraud prevention, and personalized services are improving financial services. AI enhances banking and financial customer service, fraud detection, risk management, and task automation, according to this study. Data quality, regulatory compliance, AI-driven chatbots, RPA, and fintech integration are covered. The chapter concludes that AI can improve banking efficiency and accessibility.

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