
This paper examines the ethical obligations companies have when implementing generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). We point to the potential cyber security risks companies are exposed to when rushing to adopt generative AI solutions or buying into “AI hype”. While the benefits of implementing generative AI solutions for business have been widely touted, the inherent risks associated have been less well publicised. There are growing concerns that the race to integrate generative AI is not being accompanied by adequate safety measures. The rush to buy into the hype of generative AI and not fall behind the competition is potentially exposing companies to broad and possibly catastrophic cyber-attacks or breaches. In this paper, we outline significant cyber security threats generative AI models pose, including potential ‘backdoors’ in AI models that could compromise user data or the risk of ‘poisoned’ AI models producing false results. In light of these the cyber security concerns, we discuss the moral obligations of implementing generative AI into business by considering the ethical principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, justice, and explicability. We identify two examples of ethical concern, overreliance and over-trust in generative AI, both of which can negatively influence business decisions, leaving companies vulnerable to cyber security threats. This paper concludes by recommending a set of checklists for ethical implementation of generative AI in business environment to minimise cyber security risk based on the discussed moral responsibilities and ethical concern.

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