
Abstract: Artificial intelligence is for one and all, it is for people from all works of life – a student, a homemaker, a parent, a professional in any field, a senior citizen, basically anyone who is interested in getting acquainted in artificial intelligence. If you will ask a question from non-technical person that have they ever used artificial intelligence in any sense, so there quick response will be no but the correct answer is yes because we all are using artificial intelligence concepts in our day to day life either knowingly or unknowingly. Few of the applications powered by AI are: Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana or Siri. We have an assistant in our smart phones that can help us in making calls, send messages, search information and a lot more just like a real person. AI is basically working as a tool or a helping hand to human beings to make their life easier in various senses. There are a lot of such technologies that surround us in today’s time but AI has several more abilities that make it more special than any other technology. Artificial intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like human beings and mimic their actions. It is the ability to rationalize the things and take actions that have the best chance of achieving a specific goal. Artificial intelligence is an over acting principal, art of technology, a form of intelligence, field of study which seems to be something which came into existence recently but AI is making news since 1956. It has the potential to impact industries and work forces in profound way and help us unlock economic potential. Government is working enormously on creating national worldwide comprehensive AIstratergies to create sustainable, inclusive and positive impact on citizens, industries and overall societies.

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