
This paper explores the intersection between artificial intelligence and nuclear energy, shedding light on the intriguing scenario when these two sectors jointly consturct. Through the application of both full-sample and sub-sample methodologies, this study identifies the time-dependent interrelationships between China's artificial intelligence index (AI) and nuclear energy indicator (NUC). The quantitative analysis presents that AI's influence on nuclear energy is twofold. On one hand, AI contributes positively by acting as a catalyst and enhancing safety measures in the nuclear sector. On the other, the impact might be perceived negatively, primarily when cost-effective alternative energy sources overshadow the benefits of nuclear energy. Additionally, the positive effect of NUC on AI highlights the benefits derived from nuclear's expansive and consistent energy output, catering efficiently to AI's substantial energy demands. In essence, AI and NUC are found to be complementary, with each having the potential to propel the other forward. This reciprocity paves the way for a synergistic relationship, promising mutual benefits. The study introduces a fresh perspective on the co-evolution of energy and technology, offering thought-provoking recommendations aimed at cultivating the collaborative growth of AI and NUC towards a common good.

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