
Computer Vision (CV) provides computers with the ability to perceive, analyze, and understand the content of images and videos. The applications are numerous and range from medical diagnosis to industrial quality control and special effects. CV uses different technologies and techniques to extract relevant information from a large number of images acquired via Machine Vision (MV) components. In industry, CV and MV are combined for trustworthy inspection of high-end products, quality control, and data collection applications. In this article, first, we present the CV and MV with a focus on the convenient artificial intelligence tools that may bused, such as machine & deep learning, and also the common color recognition methods. Second, we consider two industrial applications of artificial vision, especially CV, in real-time quality control to review their scientific valorization based on the primary findings of the studies carried out. Finally, we critically analyzed their findings to identify shortcomings, make recommendations, and open up new horizons for future research.

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