
Oz: Ahmed Hasan ez-Zeyyât, XX. yuzyilin ilk yarisinda etkili olmus Misirli bir edebiyatcidir. Onun cikardigi er-Risâle dergisi Arap edebiyatinin en onemli mahfillerinden biri haline gelmis ve uzun soluklu bir yayin hayati gecirmistir. Zeyyât, gerek bu dergide yazdigi makalelerde gerek diger eserlerinde edebiyat anlayisini ortaya koymustur. Bicim konusunda geleneksel anlayisa bagli, icerik bakimindan ise yenilikci bir uslup sergilemistir. Bundan dolayi donemindeki bazi edebiyatcilari, gelisiguzel yazmak, sozcuk secimi ve anlatim gibi konulara dikkat etmemeleri sebebiyle elestirmistir. Bu makalede hem Zeyyât’in eserlerinde edebiyat ve edebiyat elestirisi ile ilgili dusunceleri hem de bunlarin bir uygulamasi sayilabilecek uslubu incelenerek onun bu konudaki yaklasimi belirlenmeye calisilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ahmed Hasan ez-Zeyyât, er-Risâle Dergisi, Edebi Elestiri, XX. Yuzyil Arap Edebiyati. Ahmad Hasan az-Zayyat and His Perspective of Literature Abstract: Ahmad Hasan az-Zayyat was an Egyptian author who had influence in the first half of XX. century. Al-Risalah that issued by him became one of the most important gathering-place in Arabic literature and it had a long-termed broadcast life. az- Zayyat presented his literary understanding in both his articles, which was published in al-Risalah, and his other works. He lived up to tradition in form but used a reformist style in content. So, he criticized some authors because of their writing by chance and their word-choosing and expression style. az-Zayyat’s literary views, that he explained in his works, and writing style, as a practise of his aforementioned opinions, were analysed and his approach in this subject was tried to determined in this article. Keyword: Ahmad Hasan az-Zayyat, al-Risalah Magazine, Literary Criticism, XX. Century Arabic Literature.

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