
Abstract There is an understanding that some of sufi orders to find h{aqi>qah through the sufi t{ari>qah no longer need the shari > ’ah . Shari > ’ah is seen as the outer skin of religion, and h{aqi>qah is the core. Because of getting the core of religion, the skin has no use anymore. This understanding is a rasionable understanding of the sufi mystics of the past that most no longer pay attention to the rules of shari>’ah in its suluk. Most sufis, at that time, preferred a more philosophical sufism which emphasize thinking to achive rather than the worship of god and morality. It can be seen from the popularity of the doctrine of wah{dat al-wuju>d which so dominates the teaching of classical sufism. This phenomenon invites the attention of Ahmad Sirhindi, on of sufi and mursyid of naqshabandi order. He moved to reform of the sufi orders who was then filled with heretical practices and doctrines which dominated wah{dat al-wuju>d . This study aims to discover and develop ideas of Sirhindi to reform the sufi orders. This research is a qualitative form of research library in using the instrument, so that the resulting data are in the form of data analysis, presentation and writing of the main source, namely al - Maktu>bat that’s magnum opus of Sirhindi. This study is descriptive-exploratory study. The data analysis technique used in this study was content analysis. The results of this study revealed that are some basic things are the focus sirhindi in revision, among others: first, the synchronization shari>’ah, t{ari>qah, and h}aqi>qah ; second, purification sufi orders of deviant practices; third , rejection of the theory of wah{dat al-wuju>d ; fourth, applying the theory wah{dat al-shuhu>d . Keywords: Sufism, Sufi orders, Reform, Sirhindi.

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