
In the modern world, when everyone is focused on attaining their goals, people often forget their balanced dietary routines, which leads to a number of lifestyle disorders. The three basic pillars of Ayurveda are Ahara, Nidra and Brahmacharya Among these, Ahara has been placed first which shows it is important to maintain and sustain life. Food habits like excessive intake, high protein diet, spicy, oily, harmful combination together, taking food without analysing one’s Agnibala are leading causes for diseases. For achieving complete benefits of food, one should also follow certain rules as told in Ayurveda regarding what, when, where, and how the food should be consumed. In Vimansthana, Charakacharya explains about Aharavidhividhana are the foundation of dietetics, which indicates the method of taking Ahara, which is useful for mankind. Aim & Objectives – To elaborate such principle of Ayurveda known as Ahara Vidhi Vidhan and their relevance in the modern age. Materials and Methods - Different classical Ayurvedic texts, websites, journals and research articles were referred in above context. Discussion and conclusion - The time, place, quantity and manner of Ahara intake are necessary. Ahara taken in proper manner helps in the proper growth of the body on contrary if taken in improper manner leads to various diseases. Thus, Aharavidhividhana plays a significant task in both causation and curing of the disease. Nidanaparivarjana is considered to be the main line of treatment. Properly followed Aharavidhividhana keeps the body healthy and prevents the diseases.

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