
This work presents and discusses the development of the hypothesis according to which clitic doubling (pronominal reduplication), as seen in the sentence “Je ne parle pas anglais moi. / I do not speak English [me]”, has the fundamental structural and pragmatic parameters of the pragmatem (R. D e O l i v e i r a, 2018). Structural, because it is a compositional construction but selected as a whole by the speaker to respond to a communication goal associated with a precise utterance situation (G. F l é c h o n et al., 2012); pragmatic, since this device is a means of acting on the interlocutive context, allowing the accomplishment of a certain number of specific acts (I. M e l’č u k, 2013). In this sense, we argue that, like the pragmatem, the devise called French clitic doubling simultaneously has the following three characteristics, it is (i) fixed, (ii) compositional, and (iii) associated with a specific utterance situation.

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