
Field studies were conducted in 2016 and 2017 under rain-fed conditions in south-central Louisiana, (a) to determine the effects of plant density levels on plant height, ear height, stalk diameter, lodging, corn grain yield, test weight, and photosynthetically active radiation with modern corn hybrids in central Louisiana and (b) to test the hypothesis that the response of grain yield to plant population density would depend on the reproductive plasticity (flex, semiflex, or fixed ear) of the hybrids evaluated. Rainfall was above average while air temperatures were below average during the growing season in both years. Grain yield showed a hybrid response in one of two years (fixed ear greater than semiflex ear) while yields increased as plant populations increased. Test weights were less with the fixed ear hybrid and the effect of plant populations was inconsistent with increased populations resulting in greater test weight in one of two years. Lodging increased as plant populations increased with the fixed ear hybrid resulting in greater lodging in one of two years. There was a hybrid by plant population interaction for ear height and seed weight. The effect of plant populations is an important factor for corn yield; however, yield gains associated with higher plant populations may be dependent on the genetic predisposition of corn hybrids (regardless of the reproductive plasticity) to tolerate various environmental conditions and stresses associated with higher populations.

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