
Cassava is a crop that stands out in the Amazon region of Brazil, due to its regional scope and substantial production at the national level. However, the average yield of cassava in Amazonian environments is still considered low. The introduction of new varieties and the development of appropriate techniques for the cultivation of cassava under the edaphoclimatic conditions of the Amazon can improve its yield in the region. The objective of this research was to evaluate the agronomic performance and energy potential of six cassava varieties (BRS Mari, BRS Poti, BRS Formosa, Manivão, Jurará and Coraci) cultivated under Amazonian edaphoclimatic conditions. The study was conducted in Juruti, PA, Brazil and a randomized block design was used, with six blocks and six treatments (varieties), totaling 36 experimental units. The agronomic performance was evaluated based on the emergence index (EI), survival index (SI), plant height (PH), stem diameter (SD), above-ground biomass (Yab), yield of storage roots (Ysr), and harvest index (HI). The energy potential was evaluated based on reducing sugars (RS) and total soluble sugars (TSS). All studied varieties presented satisfactory agronomic performances. The Jurará and Coraci varieties stood out in terms of EI and SI, with average values above 0.9. The Manivão variety showed the highest average values of PH and SD, 2.7 and 0.023 m, respectively, at the end of the evaluation period. The BRS Mari variety had the highest RS content among the studied varieties, while the BRS Formosa variety had the highest TSS, with average values of 2.91 and 2.66%, respectively. All varieties showed an HI above 50%, a Ysr amplitude between 15 and 26 Mg·ha-1, and a Yab between 8 and 21 Mg·ha-1, indicating good adaptation to Amazonian edaphoclimatic conditions.

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