
Preliminary field evaluations for 162 species are reported. This work represents a portion of a team-oriented effort to develop new crops for American agriculture. These species are potential new oilseed sources of epoxy, crepenynic, erucic, and other fatty acids, and sources of seed gum, steroids, and pulp. Euphorbia lagascae andCephalaria setosa show the most promise for crop development as epoxy acid sources, but both require substantial improvement through breeding.Crepis alpina, a small-seeded species with excellent seed retention, is the best prospect for providing an oil rich in crepenynic acid. A selection and breeding program is under way. None of the species tested as erucic acid sources equalled the crop potential of crambe and selected Brassicas.Briza spicata, a small, moderately productive grass, is the richest known source of glycolipids.B. spicata has been grown successfully as a winter annual at several locations. Earlier maturity and better seedling vigor is needed inSatureja hortensis, a source of oil similar to linseed oil.Xeranthemum annuum, an attractive, winter annual and everlasting, is very good agronomically, but the use of the oil with its mixture of several fatty acids is not economically favorable.Solanum khasianum shows agronomic promise as a source of the steroid, solasodine.Cassia occidentalis, C. bonariensis, Crotalaria leioloba, andC. stipularia are productive potential seed gum sources. These species, especiallyCassia occidentalis, seem to be sufficiently good agronomically to justify intensive breeding. Of the various sources of pulp, emphasis is on kenaf because highyielding, well-adapted varieties are available.Crotalaria juncea merits breeding effort, and other species show sufficient promise for further evaluation.

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