
The paper presents the analysis of the study of the chemical composition of light chestnut soils of Astrakhan region and chestnut soils of Volgograd region in the conditions of vegetable rotation. In the field condition, soil samples were taken at different depths on virgin soil, at 0.22 … 0.25 m and 0.00 … 0.45 m on arable land. In laboratory conditions, the granulometric analysis of soils, determination of hygroscopic moisture, determination of the content of particles of different diameters, the content of macroelements and microelements in the soils of Lower Volga region were carried out. The results of the analysis show the following tendencies: hygroscopic moisture in arable lands significantly increased in comparison with virgin lands. Ehe hygro-scopic moisture on virgin soil in horizon A was 3.65%, which was 1.87 times higher than its value on the light chestnut soils of the Caspian region. On arable land, the value of hygroscopic moisture was lower than its reserves on light chestnut soils and 1.5 times lower than on virgin soil. The amount of particles less than 0.01 mm on virgin land was significantly higher than on arable land, namely, A horizon of virgin land was 55.06%, Aarl horizon of arable land was 0.22-0.25 m - 38.20%.

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