
The biggest challenge the world is currently experiencing is the impact of climate change on agriculture. Developing nations like India will be particularly affected because of their growing populations, water shortages, declining soil fertility, and loss of biodiversity. Agroforestry system is a major component in sustainable agricultural production under climate change situation as inclusion of agroforestry system ensures the production of food, fuel, fodder, timber, manures and fibre even under adverse climatic situations. The issue of ecologically sound and commercially viable strategies for adaptation and mitigation of climate change is being addressed by agroforestry, which is intensive, integrated, intentional, and interactive. This is done through carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, microclimate improvement, and a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions. Modern, effective agroforestry techniques enable farm activity diversification and improved stewardship of the environment. There are three ways that agroforestry helps to mitigate climate change. Sequestering carbon in biomass and soils, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing energy consumption on farms to minimize emissions are all ways to reduce emissions. This review highlights successful adoption of agroforestry as an crop diversification option for mitigating climate change effects.

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