
The purpose of the research is to study the content of various nutrients and the amount of humus using different farming systems (the traditional and direct-sowing farming systems) on chernozem in southern Russia. The stationary experiment was conducted in 2015 (five-field crop rotation). In 2021, the first rotation will end. Agrotechnics corresponding for this region was used. Fertilizer rates were applied in equal amounts. The soil is southern chernozem on loesslike light clays. The climate with pronounced continental features is characterized by a significant change in temperatures during various periods of plant vegetation. The average annual air temperature is 10 °C, the annual precipitation is 428 mm. Sampling was carried out in the first decade of October (the first field of crop rotation). The humus content should be one of the objects of environmental monitoring. It determines quantity and quality of crops and their resistance to dehumification. A tendency toward the accumulation of humus was observed when using the direct sowing method. The use of no-till has a positive effect on humus formation, which makes it possible to obtain large yields of better quality. When using the direct sowing method, the main nutrients (phosphorus and potassium) are less accessible. The ratio of carbon to nitrogen decreases which indicates higher nitrogen content.

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