
The type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a widespread antibacterial weapon capable of secreting multiple effectors for inhibition of competitor cells. Most of the effectors in the system share the same purpose of target intoxication, but the rationale for maintaining various types of effectors in a species is not well studied. In this study, we showed that a peptidoglycan amidase effector in Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Tae, cleaves d-Ala-meso-diaminopimelic acid (mDAP) and d-Glu bonds in peptidoglycan and is able to suppress the growth of Escherichia coli recipient cells. The growth suppression was effective only under the condition in which E. coli cells are actively growing. In contrast, the Tde DNase effectors in the strain possessed a dominant killing effect under carbon starvation. Microscopic analysis showed that Tde triggers cell elongation and DNA degradation, while Tae causes cell enlargement without DNA damage in E. coli recipient cells. In a rich medium, A. tumefaciens harboring only functional Tae was able to maintain competitiveness among E. coli and its own sibling cells. Growth suppression and the competitive advantage of A. tumefaciens were abrogated when recipient cells produced the Tae-specific immunity protein Tai. Given that Tae is highly conserved among A. tumefaciens strains, the combination of Tae and Tde effectors could allow A. tumefaciens to better compete with various competitors by increasing its survival during changing environmental conditions.IMPORTANCE The T6SS encodes multiple effectors with diverse functions, but little is known about the biological significance of harboring such a repertoire of effectors. We reported that the T6SS antibacterial activity of the plant pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens can be enhanced under carbon starvation or when recipient cell wall peptidoglycan is disturbed. This led to a newly discovered role for the T6SS peptidoglycan amidase Tae effector in providing a growth advantage dependent on the growth status of the target cell. This is in contrast to the Tde DNase effectors that are dominant during carbon starvation. Our study suggests that combining Tae and other effectors could allow A. tumefaciens to increase its competitiveness among changing environmental conditions.

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