
Agriculture is directly related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations. Digital transformation in agriculture is an important trend for sustainable practices and governance. In recent years, various sensors have been used in agriculture to collect large volumes of data that allows faster and more complex analysis. This paradigm shift has led to data-driven agricultural management, which aids farmers in the decision-making process. Digital platforms for data storage, organization, and management are important tools used by companies to generate better solutions for end users. However, there are challenges related to the acquisition time and retrieval of scalable and accurate data. To address these challenges, this paper presents the AgroAPI platform that provides access to data and models for the agricultural sector through Application Programming Interface (API). This is an initiative from the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) and its partners. The AgroAPI's APIs focus on agricultural productivity, indication of planting dates, soil classification, weather, bio-input catalog, and vegetation indices obtained from satellite images. This study showed that the AgroAPI platform, its available APIs and the applications developed with them contribute to reaching SDGs, particularly those related to agriculture.

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