
We found that by the duration of the growing season (102-129 days) the studied varieties corresponded to their morphobiological characteristics and belonged to the group of early maturing (Gulliver) and mid-ripening (Fritella and Grand) varieties. The analyzed fractional analysis of minitubers showed that under greenhouse conditions, potato varieties can form from 3.9 (Gulliver) to 5.0 tubers (Grand). According to the yield of the fine fraction, the variety Fritella was distinguished (1.4 pcs / clone, according to the yield of the middle fraction, the variety Grand (2 pcs / clone); according to the content in the clone of the large fraction, the variety Gulliver - 2.5 pcs / clone with tuber weight 149.1 g. The mass of tubers of one clone in the studied varieties ranged from 319.0 g to 427.7 g. In terms of biological yield, the potato variety Gulliver stood out - 42.8 t / ha, varieties Fritella and Grand were inferior by 10.9 t / ha and 6.5 t / ha, respectively. The presented calculated data showed that in order to create a seed fund in nurseries of original seed growing, it is necessary to obtain a yield of at least 20 t / ha annually, with a yield of seed fraction of at least 60% and the development of elements of varietal agricultural technology. The article presents the qualitative indicators of the assessment of tubers at the early stages of original seed production, which made it possible to characterize varieties by their use for food and technological purposes. The resulting yield of potato varieties and seed calculations showed that for the successful development of potato growing on an area of 20 thousand hectares and the creation of a seed fund in the amount of 70,000 tons, it is necessary to conduct seed production on a virus-free basis in the region, create 9 elite seed-growing enterprises and 3 research laboratories.

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