
The article examines the theoretical foundations of the agro-food system (AFS) formation and a comprehensive description of its constituent elements, which include the evolution of scientific concepts, principles, and priority tasks in the aspect of implementing the principles of sustainable development. Approaches to understanding the category of AFS are summarized, a system that covers the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods, as well as connections and relations between producers and consumers of material goods and services. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the principles of the formation and development of the AFS in the context of sustainable development paradigm and sustainability in order to ensure food security of the country and the world based on the structural and functional definition of its constituent elements and highlighting the interdependence and interrelationships between them. The general concept of AFS is presented and it is roposed to determine its sustainability on the basis of the concept of sustainable development, provision of conditions for the extended reproductive process of resources, rational placement of agricultural production and balanced development of crop and animal husbandry. AFS models are summarized and similarities and differences between them are highlighted in terms of organization of activities, consumer behavior, etc. The AFS is considered on the basis of the structural and functional content of its components and the main participants are characterized, whose activities are aimed at ensuring the reproduction process, the formation of a self-sufficient food balance and a reasonable amount of export potential. The classification features of the AFS as an integrated multi-sectoral system are summarized and its main characteristics are outlined in the aspect of realizing the socio-ecological and economic goals of sustainable development. The definition of the AFS as a set of business entities that carry out business processes and activities from the production of agricultural products to their consumption, processing and disposal of waste in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, which contributes to the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs), is proposed. A multi-level system of the AFS is presented, which allows for a comprehensive analysis to identify dependencies, connections and influences between its participants. Key words: agro-food system (AFS), production and marketing chain, sustainable AFS, AFS participants, business processes, traditional AFS, modern AFS, mixed AFS.

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