
In agriculture supply chain management block chain distributed ledger underpinning cryptocurrncies bit coin, represent, new innovative technological approach to realizing system. they provide fault-tolerance, immutability, transparency and full tractability of stored transaction record, as well as coherent Digital representation of physical assets and autonomous transaction execution. Trace-ability is critical in managing food quality and safety. Traditional Internet of Things (IoT) trace-ability systems offer viable solutions for food supply chain quality monitoring and trace-ability. However, majority of IOT solution rely on the centralized server-client paradigm, which makes is difficult for consumers to obtain all transaction information and track the origins of product. Block chain is an innovative technology that has potential to significance improve tracebility performance by providing security and complete transparency. However, the current literature does not fully explore benefit ,challenges and development method block chain based food traceability systems. As result ,the to identify block chain and IOT based solutions for food tracebility.

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