
Attainment of food security has been the major objective of lndia since independence. Today lndia is second largest producer of food in world and has all the potential of becoming world leader if the emerging problems of agriculture are addressed through technological development, appropriate policy interventions that improve farm profitability vis-a-vis agricultural sustainability. This can be done through a transition from commodity agriculture to product agriculture, that is from quantity to quality agriculture. Efforts to develop and expand new types and uses of bulk agricultural products (value addition), alternative production technology (organic and conservation agricul- ture) and speciality crops will create opportunities for improving economic viability of agriculture and rural commu- nities. Value-added cooperatives that can develop new alliances with consumers (farmer-grocer contacts, internet marketing) may create new entrepreneurial opportunities in Indian agriculture. Emphasis on access to higher edu- cation and imbibition of quality and relevance in education with appropriate policy intervention will pave the ways for faster and sustainable development.

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