
Bulgaria's good soil and weather conditions increase the potential of agriculture and provide good opportunities for quality and sustainable food production. These can be expanded and further improved through the use of innovation in all agricultural activities. Farm irrigation is essential for the food supply and economic development of many countries. Innovative solutions are needed to improve the efficiency and sustainability of agricultural practices. Innovations in agricultural irrigation are essential for sustainable farm development and reducing water stress in the world. They help farmers to improve their harvests and preserve water resources for future generations. Integrating different water sources such as groundwater, surface water, rainwater and wastewater can provide a more sustainable and reliable source of water for farms. Innovations in agricultural irrigation require training and education for farmers to understand how to use new technologies and methods. Governments and financial institutions can provide support and incentives to invest in innovative irrigation solutions. In recent years, aquaponics has become an innovative study of the aquaculture industry. Aquaponics is an innovation in modern farming, a sustainable micro ecosystem with a controlled environment, combining aquaculture with hydroponics. It is developing at a rapid pace as the need for sustainable food production grows and freshwater and phosphorus supplies decline. Another innovative method to tackle the problem of farm irrigation is aeroponics. It is defined as an aerial water culture system or the science of growing plants without soil or substrate culture. The plant grows in the air with the help of artificial support and no soil or substrate is required to sustain the plant. The roots of the plant are suspended in a closed container in the dark and exposed to the open air to receive nutrient-rich water dispersed through atomizers. The modernisation, rehabilitation and renewal of irrigation systems provides an opportunity to reduce the use of pesticides and fertilisers in line with the Green Deal. It also provides an opportunity for Bulgarian farmers to be competitive with their counterparts in other countries. The effect could be strongest for permanent crops, fruit and vegetable production and livestock farming. The goal of the report is to focus on solutions to the problem of farm irrigation in the country by implementing innovative solutions. Key words: technology, agriculture, environment, innovation, irrigating JEL: O3, Q1, Q5, Q16.

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