
Landsat 5 has produced imagery for decades that can now be viewed and manipulated in Google Earth Engine, but a general, automated way of producing a coherent time series from these images—particularly over cloudy areas in the distant past—is elusive. Here, we create a land use and land cover (LULC) time series for part of tropical Mato Grosso, Brazil, using the Bayesian Updating of Land Cover: Unsupervised (BULC-U) technique. The algorithm built backward in time from the GlobCover 2009 data set, a multi-category global LULC data set at 300 m resolution for the year 2009, combining it with Landsat time series imagery to create a land cover time series for the period 1986–2000. Despite the substantial LULC differences between the 1990s and 2009 in this area, much of the landscape remained the same: we asked whether we could harness those similarities and differences to recreate an accurate version of the earlier LULC. The GlobCover basis and the Landsat-5 images shared neither a common spatial resolution nor time frame, But BULC-U successfully combined the labels from the coarser classification with the spatial detail of Landsat. The result was an accurate fine-scale time series that quantified the expansion of deforestation in the study area, which more than doubled in size during this time. Earth Engine directly enabled the fusion of these different data sets held in its catalog: its flexible treatment of spatial resolution, rapid prototyping, and overall processing speed permitted the development and testing of this study. Many would-be users of remote sensing data are currently limited by the need to have highly specialized knowledge to create classifications of older data. The approach shown here presents fewer obstacles to participation and allows a wide audience to create their own time series of past decades. By leveraging both the varied data catalog and the processing speed of Earth Engine, this research can contribute to the rapid advances underway in multi-temporal image classification techniques. Given Earth Engine’s power and deep catalog, this research further opens up remote sensing to a rapidly growing community of researchers and managers who need to understand the long-term dynamics of terrestrial systems.


  • Remote sensing is a crucial tool for observing and monitoring changes in land use and land cover across large areas, allowing users to quantify changes across large regions using satellite images, LIDAR images, and aerial photographs [1,2]

  • Adapted from the BULC algorithm [20,21], Bayesian Updating of Land Cover: Unsupervised (BULC-U) has recently been applied to the GlobCover 2009 data set, in order to refine the spatial resolution of the 300 m GlobCover set to that of the Landsat imagery which it is fed [15]

  • We identified a time series of 58 relatively clear Landsat 5 satellite imageWs beeitdweenetnifi1e9d84a atnimde20se0r0i,efsroomf 5b8ertwelaeteinvethlye cdlreyarse(laessosnthmaonn1th0%s ocflMouady caonvdeSr)epLtaenmdbsaetr 5(Tsaabtleell1i)t,e foimr aangeasvbeertawgeeeonf a1b9o84uta3n.d5 i2m00a0g,efsroamnnbueatlwlyefeonr tehaechdrsytusdeyaspoinxeml.oInnththseosfe Mimaaygaens,dTSheepmteamticbeMr a(Tpapbelre b1a)n, dfsorfoaunr, fiavvee,raagned soefvaenbo(nueta3r-.5IRi,mneaagre-sIRaannndumallidy-IfRor) weaecrehthsteucdleyarpeisxtealn. dInustehdesfoeritmheagseegs,mTehnetamtiaotnic aMndapclpaesrsibfiacnadtisonfoduers, cfirvibee, danbdelsoewv.en were the clearest and used for the segmentation and classification described below

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Remote sensing is a crucial tool for observing and monitoring changes in land use and land cover across large areas, allowing users to quantify changes across large regions using satellite images, LIDAR images, and aerial photographs [1,2]. 2 of 18 2 of 18 aenccoersms otousa dwaetaaltvhooluf mdaetanofowr raevsaeialracbhleer,sh[o2w–4e]vaenr,ditopheanserdemupainneewd aavseunbusteasnotfiarlescehaarlclehn[g5e].tGo iqvuenickthlye eanndoremffoicuisendtalytapvroolcuemsseLnaonwdsaavt aimilaabglees, haonwd ecvreear,teitthimaserseemriaeisnmedapass,upbasrttaincutilaalrlcyhawlliethngleegteonqdusicthkalyt aanredsepffiecciifeicnttloyapgroivceesnspLraonjedcsta’st nimeeadgse.s and create time series maps, with legends that are speciTfiicmtoe asegriivesenofplraonjedctu’sseneaendds.land cover (LULC) allow researchers to identify and track changes in laTnidmuesseerpieasttoefrlnasndanudsetaondstuladnyd tchoeveerff(eLcUtsLCof) allalnodw uresseeairnchheyrds rtooliodgeincatilfyparoncdetsrsaecsk, cehcoasnygsetsemin lfaunndctuiosnesp, aatntderbnisoagneodcthoesmtuisdtyryth[3e,6e]ff. WWiitthh eexxtteennssiivvee ffiieelldd eexxppeerriieennccee iinn nnoorrtthheeaasstteerrnn MMaattoo GGrroossssoo,, BBrraazziill ((FFiigguurree 11)),, wwee cchhoossee ttoo ssttuuddyy tthhaatt rreeggiioonn’’ss nnootteewwoorrtthhyy cchhaannggeess iinn llaanndd ccoovveerr aanndd llaanndd uussee ppaatttteerrnnss dduurriinngg tthhee llaattee. SSttuuddyy aarreeaa ((wwhhiittee rreeccttaannggllee)) wwiitthhiinn MMaattoo GGrroossssoo,, BBrraazziill

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