
E-commerce in agricultural trade is a growing market segment. Therefore, knowledge about the online purchasing behavior of farmers is increasingly important for several stakeholders. The purpose of this study is to explore agricultural online buying behavior from a multidimensional perspective. By means of an online survey among 371 German farmers, the attitudinal segmentation of online farmers is investigated using the tripartite model of attitudes. Four clusters were identified: business professionals, loyal offliners, online fans, and online hesitators. Results show that the advantageousness (convenience) was rated the highest and has the greatest separating power, while affective attributes are less important to farmers. Loyal offliners demonstrate that a positive emotional and cognitive evaluation does not necessarily increase the intention to use. In addition, the cluster of business professionals express that a lack of enjoyment does not automatically result in a lower intention to use e-commerce. The segmentation shows that there are different farmer groups needing an individual communication strategy and individual website features when buying agricultural inputs online. The results can help to make online offers more attractive and increase farmers’ usage intentions.

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