
The migration of family farmers to urban zones is usually analyzed in terms of rural exodus. This article uses the notion of multilocational families to discuss various flows of resources (food, finance and labor) among farm family members who remain on or live off-farm. Forty-nine farm families in western Santa Catarina were studied, chosen to contemplate the socioeconomic diversity of regional family farming. Among the main results it was found that half of these families are multi-locational and that farms inserted in competitive markets are more multi-located than those with less integration to these markets and lower income. The main resource exchanged is food from the farm sent to those who reside offsite, reinforcing the importance of production for self-consumption both for those who remain and for those who migrate, but who live close to and maintain ties with the family farm.Keywords: agroindustry; self-consumption; rural poverty.CAZELLA, Ademir Antonio; DORIGON, Clóvis; NESI, Cristiano Nunes; ELOY, Ludivine. Sistemas agrícolas e alimentares de famílias rurais: análise da multilocalização familiar na região Oeste de Santa Catarina. Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura, v. 28, n. 1, p. 21-47, fev. 2020.Submitted on November 28, 2019.Accepted on December 20, 2019.

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