
We studied the distribution of the Yellow Crazy Ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Bogor Botanical Garden (BBG). Biological invasions by A. gracilipes can negatively impact other species. Individual nests of this ant can form supercolonies within which aggression is absent, intraspecific aggression occurs between workers from different supercolonies. The aim of this research was to study aggression between and resource discovery of different A. gracilipes supercolonies in BBG. Intraspecific aggression was calculated as three different aggression indices obtained by performing intercolonial arena encounters. Resource discovery was measured as time until honey baits in known distances to colony entrances were discovered. In 2013, we encountered five spatially distinct nest clusters of A. gracilipes in BBG, which cover ca. 25% of its area. Aggression tests showed that workers from KRB 1 were significantly more aggressive towards each other. The absence of intercolonial aggression between three of five nest clusters suggested that they actually belong to the same supercolony. On average, A. gracilipes needed less than 1 hour to find the food on bait plate in 20 m distance. We found 3 supercolonies of A. gracilipes which derived from 5 spatially distinct cluster of nests in BBG.


  • Keberadaan spesies invasif dalam suatu ekosistem memberikan dampak negatif terhadap perubahan kondisi lingkungan (Lockwood et al 2007)

  • We studied the distribution of the Yellow Crazy Ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Bogor Botanical Garden (BBG)

  • Biological invasions by A. gracilipes can negatively impact other species. Individual nests of this ant can form supercolonies within which aggression is absent, intraspecific aggression occurs between workers from different supercolonies

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Bogor Botanical Garden

Invasi biologi oleh semut Anoplolepis gracilipes Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) dapat memberikan dampak negatif bagi organisme lain. Agresi antar anggota superkoloni tidak terjadi, jikapun ada agresi intraspesifik terjadi antara semut pekerja yang berasal dari superkoloni yang berbeda. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui agresi intraspesifik dan waktu penemuan makanan yang terjadi pada A. gracilipes di Kebun RayaBogor (KRB). Pada tahun 2013, hasil pengamatan ditemukan 5 kelompok/gugus sarang yang terpisah secara spasial dan menempati kurang lebih 25% dari seluruh wilayah KRB. Tidak adanya agresi intrakolonial antara tiga dari lima kelompok sarang yang diujikan menunjukkan bahwa ketiga kelompok sarang tersebut berasal dari superkoloni yang sama. Rata-rata A. gracilipes memerlukan kurang dari 1 jam untuk menemukan makanan pada plat umpan yang diletakkan sejauh 20 meter dari sarang. Kami menemukan 3 superkoloni A. gracilipes yang berasal dari 5 kelompok sarang yang terpisah di Kebun Raya Bogor. Kata kunci: indeks agresi, indeks mortalitas, Kebun Raya Bogor, superkoloni, Yellow Crazy Ant

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