
In the article, the author has agreed to agree on a contract with a bank for non-banking services to give payment services to a “payment’s settlement”, as the author considers “an agreement on a banking settlement”. According to the norms of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the bank opens a current account to a non-bank payment provider on the basis of a bank account agreement (Article 1066 of the Civil Code of Ukraine). Since the Law of Ukraine «On Payment Services» does not provide a comprehensive legal regulation of legal relations arising between a bank and a non-bank provider of payment services when opening, operating and closing a current account, the provisions of Chapter 72 of the Civil Code of Ukraine should be applied to these legal relations, unless otherwise established by the Law of Ukraine «About payment services». Taking into account the above, such anagreement is characterized, in particular, by the following: a) we will specialize a subject warehouse – a counterparty to the bank, but only a non-banking supplier of payment services, as if having with drawn the NBU license for the provision of payment services, transferred from part 1 of Art. 5 of the Law, including the inclusion of the NBU to the Register of payment infrastructure; b) the selection of a bank account, inclusively for the purposes of securing the payment transactions of a non-banking payment institution; other specialty (except users), which can be re-ordered in the non-banking payment system; instructions of such users e) on the bones of users, who are clothed in a calculation of payment, cannot be placed underarrest and/or more severely tied up for goiter’s providers of payment services be for eany kind of creditor, for exclusion of a debt, if the creditor is a user, for the mind the naming of the delivery of payment services to the user is connected with the functions of the delivery of payment services; f) cash of users (individuals) on the deposit account of a non-banking tax payer may not be subject to the status of the deposit and may not be subject to public law guarantees established by the Law ofUkraine «On the system of guaranteeing deposits in physical assets», but may be protected by private law types of obligation - insurance or bank guarantee. Key words: agreement, pravochin, rozrahunkovy rahunok, bank rahunkaagreement, non-banking payment order, bank, money, interest, penny goiter

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