
ANTONY DON DALLE ROSE has an article in Ricerca Scientifica Riconstruzione (Rome) on this in which he summarizes and discusses the sccfpe of the Italian-American Agrarian Convention, held at Florence during January 25–28. Among the proposals may be noticed the provision of a close collaboration among agrarian technicians-American and Italian-and it is pointed out that there would be a mutual advantage im such collaboration. In addition, there should be a close inquiry into the question relating to fundamental alterations in the agrarian industry with a view to an enhanced output. Finally, the bases of reconstruction should be clearly delineated. The subject is discussed at length in the article, and various suggestions are put forth under such headings as the necessity of American agriculture, the method of technical reconstruction and the economic position of Italian agriculture, animal husbandry in relation to the problem of the shortage of forage, and various others. Finally, the delicate question of emigration is briefly referred to, and reference is made to a suggestion that there might be a large emigration of Italian workers into Latin America. Such emigration should be properly organised so that workers, technicians and directors of industry would find scope for their enterprise and be able to enjoy a full autonomous existence under the authority of the country receiving them.

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