
The subject of the research – is a set of organizational-economic relations arising in the process of structural transformation of financial and credit relations in the agricultural business. The purpose of the article is a retrospective analysis of structural transformations of financial and credit relations in the agricultural business, evaluation of the effectiveness and feasibility of the introduction of agricultural receipts as a new instrument of lending to the agricultural business of the regions. Methodology of work – system-structural and comparative analyzes (to determine the effectiveness of the crediting mechanism according to the agricultural receipts of the farmers of the region); monographic (when studying the problems of the functioning of the mechanism of lending to agrarians by agrarian receipts) economic analysis (when carrying out a comparative analysis of the mechanism of classical bank lending to the agrarian business and the mechanism of lending to agrarians according to agrarian receipts); modeling and forecasting (when determining ways to overcome the existing deficiencies in the mechanism of lending to agrarian business entities of the region according to agrarian receipts). The results of the work – a retrospective analysis of the structural transformation of financial and credit relations in the agricultural business was carried out. The mechanism of crediting agrarians according to agrarian receipts and the scale of its distribution in the agrarian business of the region are considered. A comparative analysis of the mechanism of classical bank lending to the agrarian business and the mechanism of lending to agrarians according to agrarian receipts was carried out. In the framework of the pilot project “Agrarian receipts in Ukraine” of the international financial corporation (IFC) in partnership with the Swiss Confederation in Ukraine, the example of the Poltava region defined the effectiveness of the crediting mechanism according to the agrarian receipts of the agrarians of the region. The advantages and disadvantages of the mechanism of crediting the subjects of the agrarian business on agrarian receipts are noted. The ways to overcome the existing shortcomings of the mechanism of crediting the subjects of the agrarian business of the region according to agricultural receipts are determined. Conclusions – according to the results of the conducted research, the effectiveness of the mechanism of lending to the agricultural business of the regions according to agricultural receipts was proved, its advantages and disadvantages were noted, and attention was also focused. Proposed in Art. 7 of Law No. 5479-VI clearly delineate cases and restrictions on the debtor’s reimbursement of expenses incurred by the lender with the acquisition of the right to grow and harvest the pledged crop of agricultural products, which will ensure the principle of equality of parties on economic benefits and distribution of credit risks according to agricultural receipts.

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