
New specimens of aglaspidid arthropods, mainly from the Upper Cambrian St. Lawrence Formation of Wisconsin (UpperDikelocephalusZone), show that appendages previously assigned to the genotypeAglaspis barrandeiactually belong to a new genus and speciesFlobertia kochi. Chraspedops fragilisis transferred to a new genusTuboculops. The generic attribution ofAglaspis dorsetensisandAglaspis franconensisis queried. The distinction at species level is queried forSetaspis spinulosusandS. regularisand also forAglaspoides sculptilisandA. semicircularis, although no formal changes are recommended.Aglaspis simplexis transferred toGlypharthrus simplexandGlypharthrus deadwoodensisis synonymized withGlypharthrus vulpes. Restorations are presented ofAglaspis barrandei, Aglaspis spinifer, andGlypharthrus thomasi. Aglaspis spiniferprobably had a total of four head appendages. Well-preserved aglaspidid specimens often evince tergal processes that are apparently unique to this taxon and these may have acted as apodemes.

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