
The aging characteristics for several batches of Kodak type 101 emulsion during storage prior to exposure have been tested. We have found that storage conditions significantly influence how well the film will maintain its sensitometric properties. During this period the sensitivity and maximum density increase to a maximum level. Any additional aging may result in higher fog levels and loss of sensitivity. By keeping the film in an environment free of photographically active compounds it is possible to use this storage interval to optimize the films’ properties. Batches of film with different sensitivities age differently. Of the currently available emulsions, those with maximum sensitivity (measured at 1700 Å) are 2.5 times faster than those at the low end of the sensitivity scale. Significantly accelerated changes in aging properties were measured for the more sensitive emulsions. The successful use of such emulsions in space applications will require that careful consideration be given to time and temperature profiles. When the control of these factors is limited the use of less sensitive emulsions should be considered.

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