
The capacity of aging rats to defend body fluid homeostasis in response to a variety of dipsogenic and natriorexigenic stimuli was assessed. Male and female rats of both the Fischer 344 (FR) and Sprague-Dawley (SD) strains were used and tested at target ages of approximately 5, 10, 15, and 20 mo in both longitudinal and cross-sectional studies. There were no consistent age-related declines in water intake in response to water deprivation or acute administration of hypertonic NaCl; angiotensin (ANG) I, II, III; or isoproterenol. Likewise, there were no major impairments in either urinary excretion of the hypertonic NaCl load or excretion of water or hypotonic NaCl loads, although the latter were excreted more slowly in the older cohorts. The preference/aversion functions for NaCl solutions differed between SD and FR rats, but did not change with age except in male FR rats that lost their aversion to dilute NaCl at 20 mo of age. Intake of hypotonic NaCl solution after acute sodium depletion (furosemide treatment) showed a partial decline with age, and the older rats sustained larger estimated sodium deficits after a 6-h repletion period. A more complete age-related decline was observed in the intake of hypertonic NaCl stimulated by chronic dietary administration of a kininase II inhibitor (ramipril). Male rats of 15-20 mo of age showed no ramipril-induced sodium appetite. Brain ANG II receptor density, determined by autoradiography, declined by almost 50% in the paraventricular nucleus at 20 mo of age and declined slightly in the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis but did not decline in either the supraoptic nucleus or subfornical organ. Thus the major deficits in fluid intake in aging rats are related to salt appetite; the mechanism was not identified definitively.

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