
Models and methods of construction and implementation of integration of different approaches to the management of construction projects and programs are considered in the article. The current state of goal setting and definition of effective program implementation strategies with changes in the directions of development strategies in the environment, challenges, risks and opportunities are analysed. The sustainability of the development of construction projects in the face of rapid and critical changes of the external and internal environment can be ensured by effective models and methods of goal setting and achievement in the conditions of critical changes of the external and internal environment. To manage construction projects with the dynamics in mind and to adequately respond to and compensate for changes in the environment, the Infrastructure Manager predicts trends in the environment in the short and long term. The wording of the Agile Transformation mission is based on the concept of evaluating its value in the way it is presented by the customer, which will allow interested parties to communicate as efficiently as possible and, where appropriate, agree with the customer to modify and supplement the infrastructure program. The context analysis is considered as a methodology for comprehending and presenting a holistic picture of construction projects. This analysis is used to interpret the mission and strategy if the interacting multiple project values are expressed in abstract terms. Uncertainty of this type causes numerous losses and additional costs.

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