
The common product development process is based on acquisition and documentation of customer-specific requirements. Failing development projects, however, are caused by insufficient and incorrect acquisition and handling of requirements due to frequent changes and complexity in product systems. Shortening development time and time-to-market must therefore be reached by homogenization of the development process. To address this situation adequately, this contribution presents a holistic agile matrix-based approach. Using specific elements from Weber et al.’s CPM/PDD and Akao’s QFD, the gap between customer domain and developers state of view is overcome by defining correlation and weighting matrices, which are mutually defined by both parties during the development process and supported by IT-based environments.The foundation is given by a mathematical-physical database containing scientific and logical coherences providing universal correlations between customer requirements and system-characteristics. This contribution presents the sector-independent approach concerning acquisition and transformation of requirements, including an automotive example for validation.

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