
Adolescence, is a period of life that is knowing and studying by many researchers for many years, has always been and remain the subject for many sciences. The adolescence is recognized as one of the most rapid moments of life, full of strong emotions and it is considered as the process of individuals maturing regard to the individual development. In this period of life teenagers will be accompany of the main phenomena as Aggressive and Antisocial behavior, that moment is a disturbing phenomena that is shacked and troubled Albanian family and society, which can appear in the form of verbal or physical. The object of my research is based on literature review of the adolescent aggression and antisocial behavior during development , including theoretical and empirical data in the Albanian society. During valuation is important to identify the functions and forms of aggression and Antisocial Behavior. At the time of dictatorship was talk very little about adolescence, about their desires and emotions. This kind of state cared to grow up the new man, worthy and the service of communist society. While teens studies today are getting more and more spread in our country. The methodology used in this analysis focus on articles, dissertations and current scientific studies of known as well as can the reality and trends of adolescent aggressive behavior in Albanian. Selection criteria include 1. Topics 2. Type of paper (books, magazine, dissertation) 3. Papers methodology 4. Year of publication. Were included in this study 10 books, 30 articles, 30 work degree. Eventually were selected from all of them 5 books, 5 articles and 10 Bachelor and Master degree to be included in this summary. Conclusions: This study is sheds light clearly on the lack of empirical scientific studies on understanding this phenomenon of adolescence Aggression and Antisocial in Albanian society, while these studies are very detailed in the world. The selected current studies have methodological problems and may not be comprehensive for whole Albania areas, where many lifestyle aspects are different. This summary allows raising questions that in the future research may guide right studies in this field

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