
A total of 23 whale sharks were identified over a 5 d period in the Arta Bay region of the Gulf of Tadjora, Djibouti. Most of the sharks aggregating in this area were small (<4 m TL) males. Individuals were identified using photographs of distinctive scars and spot and stripe patterns on the sides of the animals. Of these, 65% had scarring that was attributable to boat or propeller strikes. Most of the whale sharks we encountered were feeding on dense accumulations of plankton in shallow water just off (10–200 m) the shoreline. This food source may account for the aggregation of sharks in this area. One 3 m male shark was tagged with an ARGOS (Splash) satellite tag for 9 d. During this time the shark traversed to the shoreline on the opposite side of the Gulf (a distance of 14 km) and then returned to the Arta Bay area before retracing his path to the other shore. The shark spent most of the daylight hours at the surface, while at night dives were more frequent, deeper and for longer durations.

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