
AbstractHornbills (Bucerotidae) are widely regarded as important seed dispersers in tropical forests in Africa and Asia. We investigated how the roosting behavior of wreathed hornbills (Aceros undulatus) influences seed deposition and seedling survival at a roost site in a moist evergreen forest of Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. Fallen fruits and seeds were collected in traps that were placed around a roosting site for 14 months, and seedlings were monitored in adjacent quadrats for 3 years. Seedfall and seedlings of species represented in the hornbill diet occurred at significantly higher densities in the traps and quadrats located beneath the crown of the roosting tree than in those located beyond the crown. With the exception of Cinnamomum subavenium, the seeds and seedlings of most diet species rarely survived beyond the first year. The quality of hornbill dispersal to this roosting site may be poor due to the highly concentrated seedfall, which results in high seed and seedling mortality. However, the number of seeds deposited by each hornbill each day at roosting sites is relatively low. Wreathed hornbills are primarily scatter dispersers during the day and probably serve as agents of seed dispersal in the moist evergreen forest of Khao Yai.

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