
The type of solid substrate plays a critical role in determining the kinetics of the spray fluidized bed (SFB) agglomeration process. In the case of porous (also soft) primary particles (PPs), droplet aging is due to imbibition and drying. The surface properties of the substrate also change due to imbibition. The focus of the present work is to simulate the agglomeration of the spray-dried milk powder using the Monte Carlo (MC) method coupled with a drying-imbibition model. In order to extract the morphology of the formed agglomerates, an aggregation model is employed. Further, this aggregation model is employed to predict the number of positions on the PPs (later agglomerates) for droplet deposition; previously, the ‘concept of positions’ was used. The transient growth of different milk powders (whole and skim) is depicted using the enhanced MC model. The enhancement in the droplet deposition model had a prominent influence on the overall kinetics of agglomeration. As expected, this enhanced MC model predicted that the agglomeration rate of skim milk powder is higher than that of whole milk powder.

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