
Immunological efficiency of the tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) vaccine Encepur® Adult (Chiron Behring GmbH, Germany) was studied according to the sex- and age stratification of inoculated persons. The group under observation consisted of 117 residents of Vladivostok, Russian Far East, 17 to 68 years old, in whom anti-TBE antibodies were not detectable. Vaccination was performed according to the classical schedule, i.e., 0 days-28 days-12 months. Specific immune response was evaluated before vaccination, a month after first inoculation, 1 month following second vaccination, 1 year after two inoculations, and a month after third vaccination. Total index of marked immunological protection reached 100% after the 3rd vaccination. The highest response rates were revealed in young subjects and women. It was shown that the male persons from young and mature age groups travel to the forest more commonly than females, as opposed to the appropriate groups at older ages. However, in the older age group we have reversed situation. These data substantiate application of the tick-borne encephalitis vaccine Encepur® Adult as an effective mean for TBE prevention in endemic areas of Russia, where different strains of TBE virus are encountered.


  • The group under observation consisted of 117 residents of Vladivostok, Russian Far East, 17 to 68 years old, in whom anti tick borne encephalitis (TBE) antibodies were not detectable

  • The highest response rates were revealed in young subjects and women

  • It was shown that the male persons from young and mature age groups travel to the for

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Оригинальные статьи

ЗАВИСИМОСТЬ СПЕЦИФИЧЕСКОГО ИММУННОГО ОТВЕТА ОТ ВОЗРАСТА И ПОЛА У ЛИЦ, ПРИВИТЫХ ВАКЦИНОЙ ПРОТИВ КЛЕЩЕВОГО ЭНЦЕФАЛИТА. Проведено изучение иммунологической эффективности вакцины Энцепур Взрослый про тив клещевого энцефалита (КЭ) производства компании «Кайрон Беринг ГмбХ и К°» (Германия) в зави симости от пола и возраста вакцинированных лиц. Вла дивостока (Дальний Восток, Россия) в возрасте от 17 до 68 лет, которые до вакцинации не имели антител к вирусу КЭ. Изучение иммунного ответа у привитых лиц выполнено в динамике: до вакцинации, 1 мес. Спустя после 2 ой вакцинации, 1 год спустя после 2 х кратной вакцинации и 1 мес. Суммарный показатель раз ных степеней выраженности иммунного ответа достиг 100% после 3 х кратной вакцинации. Ключевые слова: вакцина против клещевого энцефалита, иммуноферментный анализ, реакция нейтрализации. Leonova G.N., Pavlenko E.V., Krylova N.V., Maystrovskaya O.S, Kovalchuk N.V

Медицинская Иммунология
Вакцина и штаммы вируса КЭ
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