
Tg2576 mice are widely used to study amyloid-dependent synaptic dysfunction related to Alzheimer's disease. However, conflicting data have been reported for these mice with regard to basal transmission as well as the in vitro correlate of memory, long-term potentiation (LTP). Some studies show clear impairments, whereas others report no deficiency. The present study uses hippocampal slices from 3-, 10-, and 15-month-old wild-type (WT) and Tg2576 mice to evaluate synaptic function in each group, including experiments to investigate basal synaptic transmission, short- and long-term plasticity by inducing paired-pulse facilitation, and both early and late LTP. We show that synaptic function remains intact in hippocampal slices from Tg2576 mice at 3 months of age. However, both early and late LTP decline progressively during aging in these mice. This deterioration of synaptic plasticity starts affecting early LTP, ultimately leading to the abolishment of both forms of LTP in 15-month-old animals. In comparison, WT littermates display normal synaptic parameters during aging. Additional pharmacological investigation into the involvement of NMDA receptors and L-type voltage-gated calcium channels in LTP suggests a distinct mechanism of induction among age groups, demonstrating that both early and late LTP are differentially affected by these channels in Tg2576 mice during aging.

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