
Background. An important role in the mechanism of the development and support of erection is assigned to the venous system of penis. At the same time, diacrisis and surgical correction of the disordered venous drainage is not successful in all cases. The rate of erection disorders is associated with various factors, but progressively grows with the age.
 Aim. To define the agerelated dynamics of flexibility of the major venous vessel of penis – a deep dorsal vein – in a direct experiment.
 Materials and methods. Research was conducted on samples of a deep dorsal vein of penis obtained in autopsy of 30 males who have died suddenly from injuries or acute diseases at the age from 18 to 83 years. A deep dorsal vein of penis was isolated by an acute method without surrounding tissues. A fragment of the vein 2.53.5 cm in length was isolated distally the retaining ligament used as a reference point. In the course of experiments samples of veins were exposed to discretely increasing stretching force in the longitudinal direction with fixation of the corresponding absolute increments in the length on a specially designed installation using the original technique.
 Results. The mathematical analysis of the results of direct measurements of elastic properties of the studied vein permitted to reveal a considerable – about 20% – reduction in the elasticity of the vein in the studied age range 18 years – 83 years from α0 = 6,2∙108 m2/N to α0 = 5,0∙108 m2/N. With increase in the force of load, the average value of vein elasticity rapidly declined, and asymptotically approached the established value of the order of α = 1,4∙108 m2/N. Here, the agerelated tendency to reduction in the elasticity with different degree of the functional load persists.
 Conclusion. The identified regularities of decline in the elasticity reflect changes in the wall of a deep dorsal vein with age that may play a role in the agerelated increase in the rate of erectile dysfunction. The applied method of determination of elasticity can be used for determination of elasticity of vessels of other localizations and also of some other biological tissues in norm and pathology.


  • An important role in the mechanism of the development and support of erection is assigned to the venous system of penis

  • The rate of erection disorders is associated with various factors, but progressively grows with the age

  • Research was conducted on samples of a deep dorsal vein of penis obtained in autopsy of 30 males who have died suddenly from injuries or acute diseases at the age from 18 to 83 years

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ГБУ РО Областная клиническая больница, Рязань, Россия (1) ФГБОУ ВО Рязанский государственный радиотехнический университет, Рязань, Россия (2). Венозной системе полового члена отводится важная роль в механизме развития и поддержания эрекции. Определить в прямом эксперименте возрастную динамику упругости основного магистрального венозного сосуда полового члена – глубокой дорсальной вены. Исследования проводились на образцах глубокой дорсальной вены, полученных при аутопсии 30 лиц мужского пола, погибших внезапно от травм или острых заболеваний в возрасте от 18 до 83 лет. Глубокую дорсальную вену полового члена выделяли острым путём без окружающих тканей. Математический анализ результатов прямых измерений упругих свойств исследуемой вены, позволил выявить существенное – около 20% – уменьшение упругости вены в исследуемом возрастном диапазоне 18 лет – 83 года от α0 = 6,2∙10-8 м2/Н до α0 = 5,0∙10-8 м2/Н. С увеличением силовой нагрузки среднее значение упругости вены быстро убывает, асимптотически приближаясь к установившемуся значению порядка α = 1,4∙10-8 м2/Н. Выявленные закономерности снижения упругости отражают изменения стенки глубокой дорсальной вены с возрастом и могут играть роль в возра стном увеличении частоты эректильной дисфункции.

Материалы и методы
Обработка экспериментальных данных осуществлялась в пакете расширения
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