
The pervious chapter has examined agency construction at clausal level. This chapter is endeavored to explore agency navigation at discoursal level, which includes two sub-levels: intra-discoursal and cross-discoursal. The first section is devoted to answer the second research question about how the English-majors navigate among different levels of agency within one narrative discourse. Various LS relations between adjacent clauses to alter or maintain the level of agency are summarized at the end of the section. The second section deals with agency navigation across narrative discourses in varied situations. Through qualitative analyses focusing on learner identities and structural factors that mediate agency fluctuation, this section provides answers to the third and the fourth research questions about how and why the English-majors navigate their agency dilemma across narrative discourses in different situations. Finally I discuss the relation between identity transformation and agency navigation by English-majors in the narration of their learning stories.

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