
In many countries people are living longer and enjoying better living conditions than ever before, as a result of increased life expectancy and medical advancements. Besides being a demographic feature, it also has socio-economic connotation in terms of the various challenges that aged population faces in the broader social context. Unlike previously, in recent times, the function of the family as primary care-giver to the aged has undergone change due to structural changes-both internal and external, most importantly to nuclearisation of family. As a result, one finds the partial shift of caring responsibility of aged on the government/state in the form of various social and economic security programmes. Though, such measures have provided the sense of economic security among the people accessing them, there is a need for lifelong measures that can have greater impact upon the life of aged. The present paper discusses the scenario of aged and the role of governments support with respect to economic security. The paper also depicts aged as a resourceful group because of their contribution which in many cases, turns out to be significant for the family. Finally, paper also attempts to favor active aging, by remaining active for a longer period, aged may remain healthy by delaying various health risks along with reducing their dependency even during later years of life.

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